Sunday 25 March 2018

Myths vs. Realities of the Katana

Katana are popularly conceived of as "the best" swords ever made. While they are certainly effective blades, much of their modern status over other sword types owes more to the entertainment industry than the realities of swordsmithing and combat. The swords, also known as "samurai swords" and loosely defined as curved, single-bladed Japanese swords with blades at least two feet long, have a variety of near-magical properties ascribed to them, often with little explanation given. There are, however, some rationales that are used to provide a basis for the swords' supposed prowess. Though these reasons may sound convincing, by and large, they are either inaccurate or misleading.
First and foremost, it is important to question the base assumption that there can be a single "best" sword, as it ignores the important question, "best at what?" Every sword made and used in every part of the world throughout history was designed in response to unique conditions and made for specific uses. Differences of terrain, available ore, enemy weaponry, armor, mounted or unmounted combat, and numerous other considerations have shaped every sword (and indeed, every weapon) ever made to attempt to be the best possible weapon for the given situation. No single sword design could ever be the overall "best," as any design will fail if placed in conditions far removed from those it was intended for.

Below are some of the most common rationales cited for katana being superior to other sword styles.

Myth: The folded steel and partial heat-treating make them much stronger than other swords.

Reality: Folding or otherwise layering blades and differential tempering (heat-treating the edge but not the spine of the blade) are neither uniquely Japanese techniques nor even actually Japanese in origin. Both techniques spread to Japan from China, where they had been developed and were already in steady use. The same techniques either developed independently or were spread via trade routes in many cultures around the world as a method of solving the universal problem of unhardened steel being too soft to hold an edge well and hardened steel is too brittle to make a whole sword from.

Myth: Their blade curvature is perfectly designed for cutting.
Reality: The curvature of each katana blade may vary substantially, depending on the style, time period and maker. Generally, katana are only slightly curved, but more deeply curved examples are known. The curvature is also by no means unique to the katana, as most sword-making cultures around the world have made curved blades of some variety. It is also important to note that the curvature is a trade-off, relinquishing some of the strengths of a straight sword (such as ease of thrusting) for the extra slicing ability granted by the curve.

Myth: The convex or "apple-seed" blade profile allows them to cut deeper than others.
Reality: As with blade curvature, the convex blade profile (judged by looking at the sword point-first) is both a trade-off and by no means unique to Japanese blades. There are three basic blade profiles, each used for differing situations, and each found in blades from all over the world: convex, flat, and concave. Convex blades are generally more effective against armor as they resist damage better as well as cutting deeper as the curvature and extra weight helps the slicing action of the blade, but are somewhat more difficult to actually achieve a cut within the first place, as they are effectively duller than other types. Concave blade profiles are easier to cut with and can be much sharper than others, but are much more prone to breaking and not as easy to slice deeply with. Flat blade profiles are essentially a compromise between these two.

Myth: They are much sharper than other cultures' swords.
Reality: This myth is perpetuated in large part due to the modern sword manufacturers themselves. Since there is generally more demand for katana than other historical swords, it is often easier to find sharp, well-made katana than a similarly high-quality English or Chinese sword, leading to the misinterpretation that duller blades were historically common in these cultures, when in reality sword sharpness was relatively consistent around the world.

Myth: They were produced with better steel.
Reality: Japan has never been home to large, high-quality deposits of iron ore, making the widespread production of steel fit for swords problematic. Japanese smiths were able to compensate for this through careful smelting, but high-quality steel was very expensive. This led to one area in which katana historically truly have excelled: craftsmanship. With little steel to waste and a higher incentive to prevent imperfections that could lead to sword breakage, Japanese swordsmiths historically focused more on perfecting each blade than did smiths in countries where a broken sword could easily be replaced.


How to Display Samurai Swords

A Katana is a Japanese sword. The Katana was most notably used by the Samurai during the Japanese medieval period. I recently was fortunate enough to be a given a collection of Katanas. The swords have a long curved blade and were encased beautiful yet simple scabbards. I knew it was important to display them properly. I did a little research here's how to display Samurai swords. Quick note, Samurai swords should always be cleaned and oiled before storage.
Proper Storage On Stands

Whether you are storing Katana, Tanto or other Samurai swords, you might consider using a sword stand or saya. Wooden stands or saya are often used for displaying Katana. The saya keeps the sword from warping. Display the sword with the blade facing upward. It's traditional to do so in case of the soldier had to draw and strike quickly. Always keep your swords housed in their cases. Displaying raw blades is dangerous as Katana or Samurai swords are extremely sharp. The handle or Tsuka of the sword should be displayed on the right side of the stand if you are right-handed. If the warrior is left handed then the sword is displayed with the handle to the left. You can use floor stands, tables stand or display stands that hang on the wall.

Katana Dansu

The Japanese have lovely storage cabinets called Tansu or Dansu. The storage chests used for displaying Samurai swords is called Katana Dansu. This type of chest is typically made from cedar and is handcrafted. The lid of the chest should be made of glass so that the swords can be easily seen and enjoyed by all who come to visit.

Display Order for Katana

If you are displaying many Katana or Samurai swords then you should be aware that there is a particular order. If you are using a stand that has many different sword positions available then you need to display from the top to the bottom. The top display position goes to the smallest sword often called the Tanto. The middle position of the saya goes to the Wakizashi which is not as long as the last sword, the Katana. The Katana should be displayed in the bottom position and all sword handles should face the same direction.

Always clean your sword and oil it before returning it to its scabbard. This should be done at least twice a year.
